XJ Stinger Winch Add On | Stealth Stubby Winch Bumper | XJ (84-01)
This is the modular XJ Stinger Winch Add On for the XJ Stubby Stealth Winch Bumper. This is only the stinger modular add on. Does not come with bumper. If you order your XJ Stubby Stealth Bumper with out a stinger and want to add one this is what you want. Comes in bare steel. It is a bolt on. Yes a bolt on. The mounts encapsulates the bumper ends and bolts to the side of the bumper using the same holes as the bumper to tie in mounts. This is a super strong set up. How strong. It is just as strong as if the bumper was not there. Tubing is made of 1.75″ DOM tubing. Only the best here. Free shipping to the lower 48 states. Otherwise contact us for a shipping quote.